Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How come I never thought of becoming a...

So it happens to a few of us or maybe lots of us that we have no idea of what we want to become when we grow up. It happened to me. I never had a great answer when i was little and adults asked me for this type of questions. When I was very little maybe six, I wanted to be a Mime. I took Theater classes and all that stuff. I loved acting and playing different characters and more than anything I love the process of putting together the stage and the clothing and in general helping out. Then I was introduced to Gymnastics and I fell in love hard.
After a week of being in the beginner level the coaches and trainers put me in the Competing Team, I was a lot of a mixture between spider monkey and tom-boy and I fit perfectly. But then I wanted to become a ballerina...And there goes the first blow and the first wake up to reality moment in my life. I mean I was robbed at gun point with my mom in Mexico City when I was very young but that was unexpected and horrible. This is something that I really wanted as a career. Off I go to audition for the most important school of arts in Mexico City and ....passed every single test but..."My muscles were developing as a gymnast muscles and the didn't fit with the long muscles of a ballerina so I was Denied!. It literally broke my heart. And at a very young age I learned  that as the Rolling Stones song goes.."you can always get what you want".

I kept doing Gymnastics for many years and it got to a point that either I stop doing it or I had to be sent out to Canada (my trainers suggestion) or USA since they have a better program. Unfortunately Mexico didn't have the means to a more successful Olympic career and my parents couldn't send me to either place.
When I turned thirteen I turned into a complete outcast. No more gymnastics no more nothing. Music was the only outlet that made me feel comfortable. Reading the biographies of such Artist as Salvador Dali and Frida Kahlo comforted me as well as watching movies from Luis Bunuel and the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema. I love reading things that I wasn't supposed to. I turned into a very rare combo of my own creation with a tint of pain for being where I didn't wanted to be. Since an early age I want to be somewhere else. And the search for the place continues.

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